Sexual Health

Sexual Health Checks

What are they?

Sexual Health Check (SHC) is a check-up that involves assessment by a health professional for sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and related issues. This usually involves blood, urine and swab tests.

These checks are not just about HIV, there are many other STI's that are prevalent in the Brisbane population, they can all have a significantly detrimental effect on your life.

Who should have a SHC?

Anyone who has ever had sex, including vaginal, oral and anal sex.

Many people:

  • do not consider themselves at risk;
  • do not protect themselves;
  • do not seek sexual health care

Common STI's are:


  • at the end of a sexual relationship
  • before starting a new sexual relationship
  • after any unsafe sexual contact
  • if you think you may have an STI


There are many places to go.

Some useful links

Information about STIs in other languages